
BasicSetup·Specifythecameraintheconfigurationfiles.·StartMotionfromaterminalviathecommandline·Reviewthemessagestoensurecamerawas ...,2023年9月13日—I'mtryingtosetupMotionwithmywebcam.sofarImanagedtoseethefeedvialocalhost:8080onmybrowser.Aspertheguide,inmyconfig ...,Anexampleworkingsetofconfigurationfilesfortwocameras,onelaptopwebcamandoneIP-cameraisasfollows.Generalsettings:FILE/etc/motion/moti...


Basic Setup · Specify the camera in the configuration files. · Start Motion from a terminal via the command line · Review the messages to ensure camera was ...

How to access webcam feed with motion in a local network

2023年9月13日 — I'm trying to set up Motion with my webcam. so far I managed to see the feed via localhost:8080 on my browser. As per the guide, in my config ...


An example working set of configuration files for two cameras, one laptop webcam and one IP-camera is as follows. General settings: FILE /etc/motion/motion.conf.


Rename this distribution example file to motion.conf. #. # This config file was generated by motion 4.0.1.

Motion: docmotion_config.html

Basic Setup · Specify the camera in the configuration files. · Start Motion from a terminal via the command line · Review the messages to ensure camera was ...


The MotionConfig component can be used to set configuration options for all child motion components. Currently, it only accepts one prop, transition .

Listary 6.3 強化系統的即時搜尋功能

Listary 6.3 強化系統的即時搜尋功能
